CEO Anne Basham Testifies in the House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Child Exploitation

Today our CEO, Anne Basham, testified at a U.S. Judiciary Hearing in the House of Representatives on the critical issue of child exploitation, covering the rise of CSAM, child trafficking among unaccompanied minors, and social media’s role. This is a global security crisis, with human trafficking generating $150 billion annually.

Did you know…

  • Children are the primary target, with the average age of victims ranging from 11 to 14 years old.
  • Central American children face risks on their journey to the U.S., often entering an overwhelmed foster care system.
  • Online exploitation is rampant, with 75% of sex trafficking victims advertised online.
  • According to a recent UNODC report, the majority of victims identified in cases of exploitation were self-rescued, meaning they self-reported or even escaped exploitation on their own.

Prevention curricula and legislative action, like the EARN IT Act, REPORT Act, and SHIELD Act, are vital.

We must protect our children and halt the cycle of exploitation. You can read her full testimony HERE.

From Proposal to Policy: How a Bill Becomes a Law and Its Significance for Nonprofits
Ascend Convenes the 3rd ATIP Policy Leader Roundtable in the U.S. Senate