Tennessee Businesses Against Trafficking (TBAT) Launch

Last month marked an extraordinary moment at the Tennessee Capitol as the new Tennessee Businesses Against Trafficking (TBAT) was announced by Secretary Hargett.

This initiative is supported by many anti-trafficking organizations including our partner Thistle Farms who we have been working with to organize convenings for the program. It demonstrates powerful unity in action to stop human trafficking. As we celebrate World NGO Day today, it’s essential to recognize the pivotal role that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play in advancing critical human rights work. NGOs are the heart of social change, driving initiatives, raising awareness, and providing vital services to vulnerable communities.

Less than 1% of trafficking victims are ever identified, highlighting the urgent need for widespread training especially to businesses. Through public-private partnerships like the Tennessee Businesses Against Trafficking initiative, we can bridge the gap between government and NGOs to combat human trafficking effectively.

If you operate a business in Tennessee, please sign up for this free certification through the link below:


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