CEO Anne Basham testifies about the impact of human trafficking on unaccompanied minors at a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing.

Today our CEO, Anne Basham, had the honor to testify in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on “Ensuring the Safety and Well-Being of Unaccompanied Minors.” This is undoubtedly one of the most important topics of our time, and it is a topic that must be discussed because children’s lives are at stake. It was a powerful 2.5 hours of lively discussion and debate with 12 Senators (6 from each party) who made it a priority to participate.

Our nation is divided on many things, but on this we can agree: no child should be trafficked, and no child should be abused. No 13 year old should be working all night in a meat processing plant, and no 14 year old should be repeatedly sexually exploited.

The written testimony for the Senate Judiciary Committee is here and the recording of the hearing is below:

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